The primary aim of the school is to give children necessary basic preschool education to guide physical, social, emotional, intellectual development of the children and to prepare them for primary school education. Naval Kindergarten (NKG) was commissioned in April 2023 with 31 children. It is located at INS Parundu and has 42 students in BV I, BV II & BV III.
The school functions under the aegis of Navy Education Society and is governed by the Management Committee, chaired by Capt. Arjun Menon, the Commanding Officer, INS Parundu. The school provides pre-primary education to children of Service Personnel, Defence Civilians and Ex-servicemen. In addition, as part of its public outreach programme the school also admits children from the civil society.
'Childhood is not a race to see how quickly a child can read, write and count. Childhood is a small window of time to learn and develop at a pace which is right for each individual child.’ We believe that there is more in every child and we seek to discover and bring out the best in each child by nurturing their talents and interests.
The teaching methodology is primarily, ‘Activity Based Learning’ so that the students are encouraged to grow and develop at their own pace and where each day is varied, stimulating, exciting and above all FUN!
‘Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment’ -Dr Maria Montessori. At Naval Kindergarten, we follow this philosophy and believe that play is educationally powerful. The school uses hands on activities and play as a method of instruction.
To create a peaceful environment in which each person is treated with unconditional regard and acceptance.
Each child is inspired and empowered to reach his or her full academic, emotional and physical potential.
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